Unless incidents occur, the first boats in the Garmin Round Denmark Race inshore will reach the finish line between midnight and 01:00 on Friday night.
Leading the pack is the full crew Xp44, Xbox, followed by another Xp44, Xar, competing in the singlehanded category, while the third boat is the doublehanded J/122, Jetstream. The skippers of these mentioned boats are, in order, Danish Henrik Jørgensen, Swedish Rikard Roth, and Dutch Gerben Bos.
From Strib to Langelandsbæltet
After the podium, there is a small gap to the next boats lined up like pearls on a string from Strib in the northern part of the Little Belt to Bogø in the southern part. Mentioned in order: X49, Flux, Blue Bat, an X412, Wuchtbrumme, another X412, IMX40, 5Nine, X37, Toxic, Maveric Pogo 40S, Gerda Ulrika XI, Norlin 411.
Then, there is a significant gap to the last two boats, Sailkon, a Maxi 999, located off Skovby on the southern coast of Ærø, and finally Drako, a Dragonfly 920, situated between Lolland and Langeland.
On the offshore course
On the offshore course, the Moody 45 Cassiopeia is east of Rügen in Germany, while the latest valid position from GB 1000 is from 13:00, where the boat was located alongside Cassiopeia in the middle between Bornholm and Rügen