Tonight on December 12 at midnight the 50% off Early Bird offer on the Garmin Round Denmark Race 2023 ends. So far 30 boats have taken advantage of the offer which has secured the participants the best possible price.
Some stats on the first 30 entries
10 of them have signed up for the 760 nautical miles long Offshore course starting out of Esbjerg finishing in Aarhus. The remaining 20 are on the 650 long Inshore course starting and finishing in Aarhus. 5 boats are racing Doublehanded, 12 fully crewed and 13 are racing singlehanded. 14 of the boats are Danish participants, 7 from Sweden, 7 from Germany and 2 are from Poland. 20 of the 30 registered boats have stated that they are in the ORC Club race. Take a closer look yourself on the list of participants by hitting the button below.